a weblog

weblog from Drafts

I have gone down the rabbit hole of testing out Drafts and have more specific thoughts on that later but I was presently surprised to see that a post to omg.lol weblog so I downloaded it. However, in looking out there again and searching for omg.lol I found out that there was couple other things out there too. I can't speak for any of the other ones except the weblog one as that is what I am using to publish this right now and it is super slick.

If you caught it there is two omg.lol weblog actions out there and unless you read into each of them and give it a test you might not know what you are going to get. However, I can quickly break it down for you and it is really in my opinion personal preference:

Now a downside to using these, my current weblog.lol setup is that I have been using github that then pushes the post to omg.lol so if I go down this drafts route that will be all out of sync as this will still post but it will not be on GitHub unless I do a download / upload to there. Also, once this is published if I notice anything that needs to be updated I am going to have to go out to the weblog app and update it directly. This isn't a huge problem just a limitation vs what I have been doing. On the positive side while I am drafting this I get the same experience on iOS devices and Mac vs having to log log into GitHub to update my draft when on my Mac.


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